Male vs Female Goldendoodle: Choose the Perfect Goldendoodle for Your Family
You’ve decided to bring a brand-new Goldendoodle into your family. But now you have to decide male vs female Goldendoodle. How do you choose between Goldendoodles, male or female?
Saying that one gender is “better than the other” is untrue. A household with an active lifestyle might greatly benefit from having both male and female Goldendoodles.

But some circumstances are better suited for male dogs, while others are better suited for female dogs. Think about the following factors when deciding whether to get a male or female Goldendoodle.
Goldendoodle Introduction
Among pet owners, the little Goldendoodle is a favourite. Pet enthusiasts all over the world have been lured to the adorable “doodle” breed of Goldendoodles since their inception in the 1980s and subsequent rise in popularity in the early 1990s. Due to its many positive traits, this dog breed—a cross between a Golden Poodle and a Golden Retriever dog breed—is in great demand. In addition to being extremely cute, doodles have the traits of any mixed breed and inherit the liveliness and intelligence of poodles.
As the name implies, this breed is a cross between a small poodle and a golden retriever.

The result is a dog that is kind, smart, friendly, and eager to please—just like the majority of its parent breeds. Little but mighty in playfulness, Mini Goldendoodles make excellent family companions and get along well with kids and other animals.
All of your questions about the age and life span, generations, traits, appearance, weight, temperament, training, and other elements of adopting a Mini Goldendoodle can be answered by reading the information in the guide below. We have addressed the most frequent queries about adopting and taking care of male and female Goldendoodles.

Male Vs Female Goldendoodle Size and Weight
Any breed of dog will see a rise in height and weight in its male counterparts. Dogs with Goldendoodles are fairly tall. They are 45–65 lbs in weight and have a shoulder length of 20–24 inches. (Use our growth calculator to determine your Goldendoodle puppy’s anticipated size!)
Choose a female dog if you want to ensure that it is on the smaller side of the size spectrum. A male is a good choice if you want a large, heavy dog.

A Mini Goldendoodle or F1b Mini Goldendoodle is a good option if you’re searching for a very small Goldendoodle because they weigh at least 10-15 lbs less than the original Goldendoodle. There is often a 10% difference in size between a male and female Goldendoodle. This implies that most women will be smaller than most men, even though not all of them will be.
Male Vs Female Goldendoodles Differences in Coat and Grooming
Regarding coat and grooming, there are no recognised distinctions between male and female Goldendoodles. The genetic makeup and generation of a Goldendoodle dictate the coat type rather than gender.
When it comes to shedding, allergy-friendliness, or any other coat trait, there is no gender advantage with Goldendoodles. You will still need to spend a lot of time combing and grooming your Goldendoodle to make sure its coat stays clear of matting and tangles, whether you choose a male or female.
Male vs female Goldendoodles Differences in behaviors
Humping and establishing their territory are the two primary behavioural distinctions that people make between male and female Goldendoodles.
Although amusing at times, humping is an undesirable behaviour that is frequently connected to male Goldendoodles as opposed to female Goldendoodles. Many people are unaware that a Goldendoodle can be equally guilty of this behaviour in both sexes. It’s not always a sexual act to hump. It’s employed for play or power posturing just as frequently.
Due to the perception that male Goldendoodles mark their territory, many potential owners choose to favour a female Goldendoodle. This isn’t a good assumption, though, as female Goldendoodles are known to mark their territory as well, and neutering a male will frequently stop or at least minimise this behaviour.

Male vs female Goldendoodle’s personalities differ
There are more misconceptions than truths regarding the temperamental differences between male and female Goldendoodles.
Are male Goldendoodles more aggressive? is a question that many people have. “Do Goldendoodle men bite more often?” Although some research indicates that male dogs are more likely than female dogs to be violent, experts agree that training and environment have a much greater influence on aggression than gender.

The more widespread myths are that male Goldendoodles are more independent and that female Goldendoodles are kinder. Not the gender of the Goldendoodle, but the individual puppy’s DNA and upbringing play a major role in determining certain personality traits.
Male vs female Goldendoodle Temperament
Even though many pet owners believe that a male and female Golden Doodle’s temperaments differ greatly, almost no difference is present.
They share the same intelligence as a Poodle and the same level of affection as a Golden Retriever, as they belong to the same breed.
Their interactions with you and others in their surroundings are the one thing that will have the largest impact on this section. If you do the same for them, show them love and care, and make an effort to keep their minds engaged.
Regardless of gender, this ought to produce an exceptionally gregarious, bright, and affectionate puppy. How much a dog displays their gregarious nature depends
Male vs female Goldendoodles Health Difference
The reproductive systems of male and female Goldendoodles differ primarily in terms of health. Naturally, gender-specific issues affect men and women differently. For instance, men may experience issues with their prostate, but women are more likely to acquire breast cancer. Overall, the life expectancy and overall health of males and females are equal.
Male vs female Goldendoodles Training difference
The great intellect of Goldendoodles is one of its main draws. Both male and female Goldendoodles are extremely easy to teach, with no discernible gender differences, thanks to their genetic jackpot. Once more, neither gender is more obstinate than the other, nor is it calmer. They have the same intelligence, curiosity, and desire to please their human parents.
Male vs female Goldendoodles How they treat puppies
How male and female Goldendoodles handle puppies is another distinction between them.
While it’s not true that male dogs “mistreat” their offspring, female dogs of all kinds behave more affectionately and aggressively when around puppies.
Their responses to a litter of pups and other canines of the same (or opposite) gender reveal the main differences between them.
Male Goldendoodles typically mark a lot during their early adolescent years as they grow into sexually mature adults. On the other side, females are more likely than males to develop a stronger protective bond with their little puppies.

Given the perception that female dogs are “less macho,” one may anticipate that female dogs would be more reserved than male dogs; nevertheless, this is not the case with dogs. Generally speaking, women are more tense, anxious, and impulsive than men.
Males are far more calm and laid back, especially after they’ve been neutered. They tend to be more food-focused and handler-focused.
No, Goldendoodles are amiable and affectionate dogs, both male and female. No gender is more violent than the other. Conversely, every dog is unique in terms of personality and characteristics. While some Goldendoodles are incredibly affectionate, some prefer to explore on their own.
The difficulty of toilet training Goldendoodles does not alter based on the gender of the dog. Your puppy will be between 8 and 16 weeks old when you start potty training, so they haven’t achieved sexual maturity yet. Dogs do not yet have evolved conventional hormones that differentiate them as male or female.
Much more will depend on how consistent you are, how well your setup works, and how well the breeder prepares the puppy for potty training than on how easy or difficult it is to potty train.
It’s well known that female Goldendoodles behave more independently and consistently. Because women are typically more concentrated and less readily distracted, some trainers find working with them to be easier. This is not a strict guideline, though.